Why Our Church?
“…and great grace was upon them all.” Acts 4:33
Grace Baptist Church is an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bible-believing Baptist Church. We adhere to the fundamentals of Biblical Christianity. We believe that Biblical truths must be taught in an uncompromising and loving way.
Join with us at Grace Baptist Church as we glorify our Lord in each of our exciting and inspiring weekly services. Expect to be encouraged as we sing the old hymns and are challenged from the practical, life-changing teaching and preaching from the King James Bible.

Grace Baptist Church is located just a few blocks from the Old Courthouse square and is on the corner of East Pearl Street and North Lake Street in Harrisonville, MO.
Parking is permitted on Sunday mornings on both sides of the street, and we are also permitted to park at the City Parking Lot located just a couple blocks to the South of the church. The City Lot is in front of the Harrisonville Library and is a nice walking distance from the front entrance to the Grace Baptist Church.
We extend our WELCOME to you and hope you will come visit soon!
We are extremely blessed to have been led by God to Grace Baptist Church. Our top priority was to find a KJV Bible believing church, pastor, and church family to share our spiritual Christian walk with. Grace Baptist Church has given us everything we were looking for and more!
Grace Baptist Church is a great Bible believing church with good old hymns! It has many ministries and a great heart for children!
I have been attending Grace Baptist Church for 6 months now and am blessed to be able to share God's Word with other believers here. Grace Baptist Church is an up-lifting, Bible-teaching church with a congregation that is attentive and a pastor that is caring.
Grace Baptist Church has been such a BLESSING to us. My daughters were saved here! The pastor and the congregation are good Godly people who are wonderful prayer warriors.
Grace Baptist Church is much more than a building: it's been a FAMILY that we have grown along with in our relationship with God. I began attending 3 years ago and was saved here. I have come to know that the Grace Baptist Church is such a loving and gracious group of people. Our fellowships and get-togethers are such a blessing!
My siblings and I have been attending Grace Baptist Church for 6 years now. All of my siblings got saved here, and I am so thankful for this blessing!
We have been members for 5 years at Grace Baptist Church, and we are so thankful for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Grace Baptist Church of Harrisonville has been a place of HOME, FAMILY, HYMNS, & FIERY PREACHING! Our hearts are blessed every time we walk through the doors.
Grace Baptist Church has been a blessing for our family from the very beginning. We love having a church home where we can give and also receive.
We have been a part of Grace Baptist Church for five years. We love being a part of a church where we can be involved in so many ministry opportunities. It is a spiritually healthy environment that teaches the Bible, challenging us to set and follow standards that follow Jesus and His Holy Word and not compromise to worldly influences.
My family came to Grace Baptist two years ago to help the church get their building fixed up. In turn, Grace Baptist Church has helped me grow and get 'fixed up' spiritually. I love my church family and am so blessed to be a part of it!
I have been a member of the Grace Baptist Church for 20 years, and I like the good old-fashioned preaching from the KJV! I like our soul-winning ministry, bus ministry, revival meetings, missions outreach, all the missionaries, and our camp ministries.
I have been at Grace Baptist Church for 20 years, and I am so thankful for this church! It is a soul-winning New Testament church that cared for my soul. This is not just my church; it is my family!
I have been at Grace Baptist Church for 5 years now, and I love being around people who love the Lord. It is really great to have such Godly encouragement and to be able to fellowship with one another!
Grace Baptist church is led by a pastor who lives what he preaches. You won't find a man more passionate in helping you establish a walk with God, a life of prayer, and a path of ministry. God has used him to help me grow in all those areas by his own example!